CEL (Citigen Environment Lighting)
Blender comes with powerful built-in procedural environment setups. Few, however, know how to utilize its full potential. With CEL (Citigen Environment Lighting, a part of the Citigen addon), you can do just that. CEL may be the first addon that provides a "usable" 360-degree procedural volumetric sky to Blender users.
*** FEATURES ***
FEATURE 1: Create, export, import, and share your CEL presets
FEATURE 2: Easily animate 360-degree clouds
FEATURE 3: Shape your clouds as close as you'd like them to be
FEATURE 4: Recreate any time of the day of any season of the year
FEATURE 5: Includes a default ground and a sea
FEATURE 6: Includes the moon and stars
FEATURE 7: Export your CEL presets or your entire scenes as HDRIs
FEATURE 8: CEL presets works both in Cycles and EEVEE
FEATURE 9: "Time-lapsed" skies, any time of the day, any days of the year, any weather condition
* Users with slower machines may be advised to turn off the clouds or bake their favorite CEL presets into HDRIs.
* You may share your CEL presets or the exported HDRIs with other CEL users. If you want to sell them, though, please contact its author at vfxgeorge@gmail.com.
* CEL EEVEE volumetric clouds are still under development.